Whipped Cream Cheese Crepe Filling

Ashley and I have both developed some great crepe fillings.  Ashley's filling has a few more steps that are well worth the effort, and mine was created with portability in mind.  I like to make the batter one day, cook the crepes the next, and put them in the fridge for later when I need them.  It makes the process a lot less overwhelming. 

This cream cheese filling is solid and won't mash down over time, so you can fill and roll the crepes ahead of time before you serve them.  Filled crepes will stay good for at least a couple of hours and in a pinch you can store them all day!  Top with all kinds of berry, chocolate, and caramel syrups for a fun dessert or pair with fruit and Buttermilk Syrup for breakfast.  


Cream 4 oz. cream cheese until smooth  Add 1 C drained plain yogurt and 1/4 C powdered sugar.  Mix and chill until ready to use. 

4 oz. cream cheese
1 C drained plain yogurt
1/4 C powdered sugar 

Crepe Filling (serves 5)

4 oz. cream cheese
1 C drained plain yogurt
1/4 C powdered sugar 

  1. Cream 4 oz. cream cheese until smooth.  Continue to whip for 5 minutes until fluffy. 

  2. Add 1 C drained plain yogurt and 1/4 C powdered sugar. 

  3. Mix and chill until ready to use. 

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