Lemony Shower Brunch

I love the possibility a bunch oflemons
presents, like when you decide to splurge and buy the whole bag
instead of just one or two. Some people might impulsively spend $7
on a big bag of M&M's, but not me. I get a buyer's high off lemons.
It's like holding summer right
in your hand... even when it's raining on Memorial Day.
What will I make with all those lemons,
I'll ask myself? Maybe I'll make some Chicken Curry tonight. Tomorrow I
could make Lemon Pudding Cakes or simply a
tall pitcher of lemonade.
Last weekend I bought a bag of
lemons for a baby shower that Ashley and I catered. Best. Shower.
Ever. There was tart lemon mixed with a
generous dose of sugar in the Lemon Pudding Cakes and Frozen Lemonade.
Add in some Chocolate Strawberry Croissants, a fabulous Quiche, and a
Very Strawberry Salad to round it all off. I wanted to keep eating
forever, but I got full. I hate that!

This meal was great for a baby
shower but has all the elements for a great brunch of any kind. All the
finer points and grocery lists are in our occassions section, along with
more pictures of the food, of course!
Everything in this meal is great, but I especially recommend the Frozen
Lemonade. Maybe I'll make some tonight and make a toast to the missing